
From this page, you can access the forms needed to promote and recruit to HENRY programmes, as well as forms and guidance to support your HENRY Facilitators

1. Local Coordinator role

Overview of the Coordinator role and support provided by HENRY.

2. Being a HENRY Facilitator - what's involved

An overview of the role & responsibilities of HENRY Facilitators.

For the key characteristics to look for when selecting practitioners for HENRY training, please read HENRY Facilitator Profile: Key knowledge, skills and qualities.

3. Coordinator Day notes library

A collection of notes from previous Coordinator days. These notes aim to support you in your role as a HENRY Coordinator by bringing together successes, tips and solutions shared by other HENRY Coordinators from across the UK - plus useful updates from the Partnerships team.

4. Resources Order Form 

Please click on the Resources order form tile every time you want to order resources, then complete and submit online directly to - we will invoice you and deliver your order.  Please allow at least four weeks delivery time.

5. General Resources Kit List for Face-to-Face Delivery

Items needed to run successful Healthy Families: Right from the Start group programmes.  These general resources are in addition to the specific programme resources above.  Facilitators often select resources that are easily to hand, to prepare a resources box for repeated use.

6. Promotion and Recruitment

Click on the links below for access to a range of free promotional materials:          

7. Registering and submitting programmes and workshops

Facilitators will need to register, in advance, each programme or workshop that they plan to deliver using our online system  

At the end of each programme or workshop (whether completed or not), they will also need to submit each programme for inclusion in reports.  

The submit link also contains the link for submission of Facilitator Final Reviews.

8. Data Access System (DAS)

Where a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) is in place between HENRY and the area Commissioner, HENRY can provide Coordinators and Facilitators with access to local data to support the management and review of programmes and workshops. 

Sample view DAS

Please note: data for workshops is less detailed than for programmes.

9. Preparing for your reports

Outcome reports can be requested annually (once per annum) on an ad hoc basis. HENRY will produce reports for all of the programmes and workshops delivered in the last 12 months in your area. Alternatively, we will produce reports for a selected range of programmes and workshops over a period of time of your choosing. We will aim to have your reports with you within 6 to 8 weeks. 

Reports can be requested via your dedicated Partnership Support Officer (PSO). 

Prior to requesting your report we kindly ask that you check that all the required programme and workshop online forms have been completed and submitted to HENRY. This will increase statistical stability and ensure an accurate representation of delivery, making for an improved report. 

For programmes these include: baseline and completion questionnaires and the submission of programme forms. For workshops these include: parent review and submission of workshop forms. You can check that these have been submitted using your Data Access System (DAS) or by asking your dedicated HENRY Partnership Support Officer. 

As a reminder, we have a minimum data threshold for reporting: as standard we don't produce reports where there are fewer than 10 matching baseline and completion questionnaires per programme or workshop in the reporting period (over the course of a year, this should be easily achieved) as otherwise the numbers are too small to be considered robust. 

10. Practice Development Sessions guidance

Bullet point guidance on providing regular Practice Development Sessions for Facilitators

11. Practice Development Form 

To capture notes from local Practice Development Sessions, use in conjunction with the guidance above.  Please email typed notes to Facilitators and to your Partnership Support Officer after each session. 

12. Partnership Events for Coordinators and Facilitators

Partnership Support Officers deliver online support events every term and will email the dates of these to you advance. Please use the Partnerships Event Booking tile to reserve your place.

Resource order form

To order HENRY resources, please complete and submit this online form


Partnership Delivery Model: FAQS for Commissioners and Coordinators

book training feature
HENRY training

For more information, click here or contact:
01865 302973 |

Top tips
Top Tips - Healthy Families Programmes and Workshops

Tips for delivering successful HENRY programmes and workshops

Explainer video
Animated explainer video

View our animated explainer video

Partnerships Event Booking

Booking for partnership area events