Let's make an obstacle course

What you needobstacle course

A sheet, movable household items to crawl and climb over and under, e.g. stool, cushions, sheet/scarf, paper/card for stepping stones, cardboard box

Where to find it

At home


Up to 12 months

Place objects around the room or garden, varying the height and the distance between them, and encourage children to crawl under and over, climb over and through them.

2–5 years

Let children choose the obstacles, and make the course together. As they become more agile, add low jumps, commando-style crawling, objects to balance on. Keep it safe, helping children find their own agility level.

5-12 years

Children will be increasingly creative, building more challenging obstacles.

Let's go to the park

Look for a park near you, or spend time in the garden if you have one

Let's make music

Make your own 'instruments', play some music, and dance and sing along!