Complaints Policy & Procedure

Updated on January 2nd 2025

1. Statement of Intent

We work hard to offer high standards of service at all times and HENRY hopes and expects everyone participating in HENRY activities of any kind will have an enjoyable and enriching experience. Sometimes, we may not get it right and this may not be the case. Feedback and complaints help us to improve and develop. As such, we want to hear from you when your encounter with us is good and when it isn’t. HENRY takes seriously any discomfort or dissatisfaction from anyone accessing any HENRY services or activities and we are committed to acting on any complaints and doing our best to improve and change things where needed.

2. Principles

HENRY will:

  • Be courteous, polite, and sensitive to the complainant at all times
  • Ensure all feedback is acknowledged, recorded and learned from 
  • All concerns or complaints are comprehensively and sympathetically reviewed through a transparent procedure 
  • Make sure the complainant receives an honest response in the shortest possible time
  • Treat it confidentially – only those who need to will have access to information about a complaint
  • Ensure complaints will not result in reprisals or retaliation, nor affect support from HENRY in any way. 

3. Policy and practice for services delivered under licence by third parties

HENRY delivers a range of services directly, including training programmes for practitioners, and programmes or activities for families. These may be delivered by HENRY staff, contracted staff, or volunteers.

If there is a complaint about an incident during one of these activities or services, the following procedure will apply.

3.1 Stage 1 - Informal problem solving

We encourage all complainants to raise their issue with whoever is directly delivering the service in the first instance.  This can be in person, or in writing (including email and text messaging). If your problem is not able to be resolved by the staff member or volunteer at the time, either they or you may wish to raise with the line manager to ensure the problem is resolved in the quickest most straightforward way possible. 

3.2 Stage 2 - Complaints

If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved through Stage 1, a complaint should be made to our Director of Services, Stewart Marsden or our Chief Executive, Beckie Lang. 

They can be contacted in as outlined below. We are ready to help you over the phone, by email or letter. 

• Call us on 01865 302973. Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Outside these hours you can leave us a message and a contact number and your call will be returned in the next working day. 

• Email us at marking ‘complaint’ in the subject line 

• Write to us at Complaints, HENRY, 6 Elm Place, Old Witney Road, Eynsham, Oxfordshire, OX29 4BD. 

(If the complaint is about the CEO or Chair specifically, then letters or emails should be addressed to a named Trustee only (available on our website in the About Us section). 

3.2.1. How to File a Complaint

  • Explain the problem, how it occurred, and its impact on you. Share how you think it could be resolved.
  • We may request more information to ensure a thorough investigation.

3.2.2. Acknowledgment and resolution

We will acknowledge your complaint within two working days and assign someone to handle it.

We will contact you with a response in a timely manner and within fifteen working days. 

If delays occur as a result of requiring further information for example, we’ll update you on progress. 

3.2.3 Appeal and escalation

If you are unsatisfied with the response, you can request an appeal within fifteen working days. The Chief Executive will review and determine next steps.

If you remain unsatisfied, you may contact the Charity Commission or Fundraising Regulator.

4. Policy and practice for services delivered directly by HENRY

HENRY programmes and workshops are also delivered by third parties under licence.  In these situations, complaints are subject to the complaints procedure of the delivery organisation and this organisation should be contacted. 

In these instances HENRY will:

  • Help the complainant contact the appropriate person to pursue their complaint.
  • Contact the delivery organisation to investigate the incident, address issues, protect HENRY's reputation, and resolve any aspects under HENRY's control.

HENRY expects the third-party organisation to:

  • Investigate the issue internally.
  • Respond to the complainant in writing within fifteen working days.
  • Share their response with HENRY’s Chief Executive/Director of Services.

5. Record-Keeping

The Chief Executive tracks complaints and reports outcomes to the Board quarterly.

6. Data Privacy Statement 

We collate and analyse data about feedback, compliments and complaints in line with our data protection and privacy policies.

All documentation will be stored securely and an incident log will be held.