HENRY volunteer

Volunteer with HENRY

HENRY offers great volunteering opportunities for people who are able to give some unpaid time helping to support children to have the best possible start in life.

In return for giving your time, you will receive free training to equip you with the skills to support families with babies or young children. We will also support and guide you along the way.  We reimburse expenses associated with your volunteering activity such as travel costs which means that any benefits you might be entitled to are not affected.  You will be provided with a volunteering role description and agreement. Volunteers work with children and sometimes vulnerable adults so we always undertake criminal records checks through the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS).

Note:  The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has lots of information on volunteering including legal status www.ncvo.org.uk

Volunteers needed in City & Hackney

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join us as Best Start Mentors to support pregnant women and new families in City and Hackney.

Best Start Mentors will support families across a number of topics, including maternal health and babies’ development and will identify support services within the City and Hackney community. You will be paired on a 1-to-1 basis with pregnant women and new families.

Please click here to find out more. To find out more, complete our online form, which you can find here or email us at hcvolunteer@henry.org.uk


The best part of being a volunteer is making a difference to people’s lives. A boy in one of my groups had never tasted courgettes. Now he asks his mum to buy them and cook them with him

HENRY volunteer