Two boys smiling

Our Vision and Purpose

Every baby and child deserves a healthy start and to thrive throughout childhood and beyond

Our vision is that children have a healthy, happy start in life to flourish throughout childhood and beyond. 

Our Vision

Every baby and child has a happy and healthy start.


Our Purpose

To empower parents and caregivers in building healthier habits for family well-being


Our Core Beliefs

At HENRY, we believe that:

  • A healthy start is a family affair. We work with the whole family to create positive habits.
  • Every family is unique. No two families are the same, and our support respects each family’s culture, challenges and priorities.
  • Partnership is powerful. We collaborate with parents and carers as experts in their own lives, working together to build on their strengths.
  • Positive change is achievable. Small, manageable changes lead to lasting habits that improve physical, emotional and social well-being.
  • Support should be inclusive. Every family deserves access to the knowledge and tools they need to build healthy habits.


Our values

Henry aspires to be a values-led organisation. All of our work with families, partners and colleagues is underpinned by the following explicit values:

  • Empathy - We start where people are; with kindness, understanding and without judgement

  • Respect - We foster inclusion, embracing and valuing each other’s unique perspectives and experiences

  • Impact-driven - We are ambitious, active learners guided by data, current evidence and curiosity

  • Collaborative - We work in partnership, maximising collective strengths, knowledge and experience


How We Make an Impact

HENRY works with parents, carers, and professionals across the UK to:

  • Equip families with practical skills for healthier lifestyles.
  • Provide training for practitioners to better support families.
  • Partner with local authorities and commissioners to create community-wide change.
  • Advocate for policies and initiatives that promote health equity.

Through our vision and mission, we’re creating a future where healthier, happier families are the norm - not the exception.


Explore our Impact Report to learn more about how we’re achieving our vision or visit our programmes and workshops  to find support for your family.


boy in stripey top
Why a healthy childhood matters

The foundations for virtually every aspect of human development are laid in early childhood

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Support our work

Help us support parents to give their children a healthy, happy start in life

View our impact report
Impact report

Click here to view our interactive online impact report or download a PDF