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Follow-on foods

When your baby is around 8 months, eating confidently and enjoying savoury food:

 Offer a wider range of finger foods

 Introduce fruit – can be mashed or offered as a soft finger foods, cutting round fruit into quarters

 Gradually move towards 3 meals a day

 Roughly mash or chop food – but avoid large lumps

 Decrease the amount of milk as your baby eats more solid food

 No need for follow-on formula

Follow on Foods

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How big is a portion?

While your baby is getting used to solid food, don’t worry too much about how much they are eating. The most important thing is to be guided by them – they will let you know when they are hungry and when they are full. Your baby will eat more on some days than others.

Putting a baby-sized portion on the plate can help us have realistic expectations of how much they can eat – remembering that their tummy is the size of their clenched fist. These pictures give an idea of how the same meal might look for adults, young children and babies.   

Portion Size Comparison

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Starting Solids Safely Baby
Starting Solids Safely

Find out more about the simple but important steps you can take …

Getting started

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HENRY Healthy Eating Video
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Getting your baby into healthy eating habits – as well as the rest of the family