Facilitators - Workshops
Welcome to the webpage for Facilitators delivering HENRY Workshops, both online and face-to-face. There is a separate webpage for Starting Solids workshops which can be accessed here.
Please look through this page carefully as it works in conjunction with your workshop session plan.
Here you will find key links and information to help you prepare for and deliver workshops. It is really important that items marked ** are submitted to HENRY via the online forms. Some are submitted by parents and some by you. Information gathered can help in understanding how workshop delivery is going in your area, ensures we can provide support where needed and enables us to report on outcomes to key stakeholders in your area. Please note that data for workshops is very brief as compared with data for full programmes.
If you need any help, please contact your local HENRY Coordinator.
Being a HENRY Facilitator - what's involved
For an overview of the role & responsibilities of HENRY Facilitators please read Being a HENRY Facilitator - what's involved.
Delivery Support Session notes library
A collection of notes from previous Delivery Support Sessions. These notes aim to support you in your role as a HENRY Facilitator by bringing together successes, tips and solutions shared by other HENRY Facilitators from across the UK.
1. Session plans and resources
- Your local HENRY Coordinator can request PDF session plans from their Partnership Support Officer. Resources for parents/carers can be ordered via our standard Resouce Order Form (see tile on the right of the screen).
2. ** Register your new workshop
- Register each new workshop with HENRY using this online form: https://links.henry.org.uk/registerhfworkshop
- Create a unique Workshop Code for each new workshop, (the registration form will explain how to create your code). The code is essential for linking together parent and Facilitator responses.
- Capture details for parents attending workshops using this attendance sheet
- You will need this information when you close/submit your workshop. Please do not send this to HENRY.
4. ** Parent review form
- Parents complete their questionnaires using an online form.
- They can use a QR code - download and print here or, you can send this link: https://links.henry.org.uk/feedbackhfworkshop via text, email or other messaging app.
- You will need to tell the parents the Workshop Code, which you will have generated when you registered your workshop (see 1)
- Ideally, parents will complete their online questionnaire independently. In some circumstances, e.g.where there is poor internet access or where language or literacy some parents might welcome support. If necessary, parents can tell you their responses, and you can complete them on their behalf, ensuring that the parents’ views are recorded accurately.
5. ** Submit a workshop
- All workshops that you have registered must be closed; this includes any that did not run. Use this link to submit your programme https://links.henry.org.uk/submithfworkshop
- Included in this form is your Facilitator review. Use this to develop your skills by reflecting on your observations, strengths and learnings.
6. Partnership Events for Coordinators and Facilitators
Partnership Support Officers deliver online support events every term and will email the dates of these to you advance. Please use the Partnerships Event Booking tile to reserve your place.
Workshop options Please check the ages for each of these workshops
1. Eating Well for Less (0-12 years)
2a. Fussy Eating (0-7 years)
2b. Fussy Eating Framework - an alternative to the workshop
- Supports structured conversations, in person or over the phone, with parents whose children eat a narrow range of food - framework document
3. Healthy Teeth (0-5 years)
4. Looking After Ourselves (parents)
5. Starting Solids (4-8 months)
- Arrangements for Starting Solids workshops are different. You can access the webpage here
6. Understanding Children’s Behaviour (0-12 years)
© HENRY | All HENRY resources are legally protected by copyright law.
These items are authorised for use only by approved HENRY-trained Facilitators running HENRY programmes (and Coordinators supporting them) within Partnership Areas paying an annual Partnership & Support Fee to HENRY.
To order HENRY resources, please complete and submit this online form
Tips for delivering successful HENRY programmes and workshops