Welcome to the page for Facilitators of the Preparation for Parenthood group programme!
Welcome to the webpage for Facilitators delivering Preparation for Parenthood group programmes, both online and face-to-face.
Please look through this page carefully as it works in conjunction with your Facilitator Manual.
Here, you will find key links and information to help you prepare for and deliver programmes. It is really important that Items marked ** are submitted to HENRY via the online forms. Some are submitted by parents, and some by you. Information gathered helps in understanding how programme delivery is going in your area, ensures we can provide support where needed and enables us to reliably report on outcomes to key stakeholders in your area.
If you need any help, please contact your local HENRY Coordinator.
Being a HENRY Facilitator - what's involved
For an overview of the role & responsibilities of HENRY Facilitators please read Being a HENRY Facilitator - what's involved.
Delivery Support Session notes library
A collection of notes from previous Delivery Support Sessions. These notes aim to support you in your role as a HENRY Facilitator by bringing together successes, tips and solutions shared by other HENRY Facilitators from across the UK.
1. **Register your new Preparation for Parenthood programme
- Register each new group programme with HENRY using this online form: https://links.henry.org.uk/registerprogramme
- Create a unique Programme Code for each new programme (the registration form will explain how to create your code). The code is essential in linking together participant baseline and completion questionnaires, as well as your end-of-programme review.
2. **Attendance register
- Download the attendance register to keep track of participants' attendance.
- When your programme has ended, and you are ready to close it, you will do this by ‘submitting’ your programme; at that point, you will need to use your attendance register to record participant attendance online.
3. Contact reference sheet
- You may wish to keep a reference sheet of participants' contact details to help you stay in touch with them between sessions. Here is an example reference sheet you can use internally.
- The attendance registers and contact sheets contain personal information which must be treated confidentially - please do not send this to HENRY.
4. Topic planning template
- When planning a topic or sessions you may find it useful to think about the aims and how participants may be feeling. Plan some open-ended questions and inviting statements to draw out key points. Here is an example template - it is for your use and you do not need to send this to HENRY.
5. **Participant baseline questionnaire
- Participants complete their questionnaires using an online form.
- They can use a QR code - download and print here or, you can send this link: https://links.henry.org.uk/baselinepfp via text, email or other messaging apps.
- You will need to tell the participants the Programme Code, which you will have generated when you registered your programme (see 1) along with the Area Code.
- Ideally, participants will complete their online questionnaire independently. In some circumstances, e.g. where there is poor or no internet access or where language or literacy skills make it difficult, participants might welcome support. If necessary participants can tell you their responses and you can complete it on their behalf ensuring that the participant’s views are recorded accurately.
6. Participant review form (face-to-face only)
- For feedback from participants, download and print this weekly/session participant review form as required.
7. Facilitator weekly review forms
- We recommend that at the end of each week or session (except the last session), both Facilitators complete separate online forms and use these to reflect together after each session and prepare for the next
- Please use this online form (link here) and you will receive an email copy. (Also available as a PDF or Word document.)
- We recommend saving these emails and organising them in a folder to refer back to in support meetings with your Coordinator or at Practice Development Sessions
- HENRY may review these forms from time to time for product and service development and quality assurance purposes and may share them with your Coordinator for this purpose
8. **Participant completion questionnaire
- This second questionnaire, completed by participants at the end of the programme, uses the same questions as the baseline questionnaire.
- Participants complete using an online form. They do this in the same way as when they completed the baseline questionnaire using the same Programme Code. Use the downloadable QR code or send this link https://links.henry.org.uk/completionpfp
9. Programme certificate
- Participants who have completed at least four out of the six sessions can be given a certificate. Please fill in the details and present them in the final session or email as applicable. Download the certificate here.
10. **Submit a programme
- All programmes that you have registered must be closed once they cease to run. This includes any that were registered but didn’t start, any that ended before they were fully completed, as well as fully completed programmes. Use this link to submit your programmes https://links.henry.org.uk/submitprogramme
- You will need to refer to your attendance register (see 2).
- Included in this form is your Facilitator review for your last week/session. Use this to develop your skills by reflecting on your observations, strengths and learnings. Capture the impact on parents and families to support qualitative evaluation.
11. Data Access System (DAS)
- Where a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) is in place between HENRY and the area Commissioner, HENRY can provide Coordinators and Facilitators with access to local data to support the management and review of programmes and workshops. Sample view DAS.
12. Partnership Events for Coordinators and Facilitators
Partnership Support Officers deliver online support events every term and will email the dates of these to you advance. Please use the Partnerships Event Booking tile to reserve your place.
1. Videos
- Session 3 - Unicef Baby Friendly video. The Importance of Relationship Building https://youtu.be/UmvY7t6RRUo
- Session 4 – NHS video. How do I bath my baby? www.nhs.uk/video/pages/how-do-i-bath-my-baby.aspx
- Session 6 – Unicef video. Breastfeeding Positioning and attachment https://www.unicef.org.uk/babyfriendly/baby-friendly-resources/breastfeeding-resources/positioning-and-attachment-video/
2. Charts for screen-sharing - online delivery only
- You will need to share your screen with parents during some of the online sessions, as set out in the Facilitator Manual.
- PowerPoint
3. Charts for face-to-face delivery
- Flipchart templates for face-to-face delivery
© HENRY | All HENRY resources are legally protected by copyright law.
These items are authorised for use only by approved HENRY-trained Facilitators running HENRY programmes (and Coordinators supporting them) within Partnership Areas paying an annual Partnership & Support Fee to HENRY.
To order HENRY resources, please complete and submit this online form
Materials to use to recruit parents and carers to the Preparation for Parenthood programme
Tips for delivering successful HENRY programmes and workshops
Print this handy 1-page guide to the key steps and forms for face-to-face programmes
Print this handy 1-page guide to the key steps and forms for online programmes
Forms and guidance for Coordinators to support HENRY Facilitators